This swelling blocks airflow through the windpipe (trachea) and triggers coughing that sounds a lot like a seal. Sometimes it might make sense to take your child to the doctor, but probably not. In most cases, croup is usually mild and will go away on its own.


There are only two symptoms of croup:

Stridor is a high-pitched sound that goes with breathing. It comes from swelling in the upper airway near the vocal cords. In severe cases with very pronounced stridor (which is very rare), the patient can exhibit shortness of breath.


In the United States, approximately 3% of children are affected by croup each year. It is most common in children between the ages of six months and three years. One of several viruses usually causes it, but 75% of all cases are caused by parainfluenza virus. However, not all kids who catch these viruses will get croup; some will simply have cold symptoms.

Additionally, bacteria can cause croup, but it’s much less common. And since croup is most likely caused by a virus, antibiotics won’t help. It will just need to run its course.


Croup is diagnosed by the doctor doing a thorough history and physical exam. There is no test for croup. Instead, the doctor might do other tests to see if the child’s symptoms could be related to some other respiratory condition. It’s called a diagnosis of exclusion because croup is what is left over when all other causes for a barking cough have been ruled out.


There are, however, a couple of home remedies that you can try to help alleviate your child’s symptoms. Be aware, though, that most of them don’t have a lot of scientific evidence to support their use.

Breathe in Humid Air

Many healthcare providers suggest exposing your child to moist or humid air, like breathing steamy air from a hot shower or opening the windows on a cool night. But no evidence shows that moist air actually helps. (If using the shower is too awkward or difficult, try a humidifier.)

Drink Plenty of Fluids

Doctors also frequently advise patients with any form of viral infection is to push the fluids. Staying hydrated may help the body fight infection. However, research has found little evidence to support this advice and some evidence actually suggests that increasing fluid intake may actually cause harm.

When to See a Doctor

Anytime a child develops stridor they should see a doctor. In many cases of mild croup, children can be safely treated at home with supportive care. As long as kids aren’t worsening, they will eventually get better.

If your child has a barking cough for more than three days or their croup is severely uncomfortable, the doctor may be able to prescribe steroids or inhaled epinephrine to help with the swelling.

A Word From Verywell

Croup is an extremely common condition, but it isn’t the only thing that can cause a barking cough. The bottom line is if you’re worried about your child and aren’t sure whether they should go to the doctor, go ahead and take them. Trust your instincts. When it comes to our kids, our guts are usually right.

Shortness of breath Stridor (loud raspy breathing) Confusion Abnormal tiredness Changes in skin color (pale, purple, or blue) Fever over 102° F

And if a barking kid starts scratching or complaining of itching—or if redness or hives appear—call 911 immediately.