The large swastika, which was displayed across the street from Wakefield High School in Wake County was eventually removed and replaced with the U.S. flag.

The flag was pinned under a Biden-Harris sign on a tree near Old Falls of Neuse Road and Wakefield Pines Drive in Wakefield.

A video of a man climbing up a ladder to put up the Nazi flag was sent into local news station WTVD. In the clip, the man says the flag is being displayed on his private property and “you do not have the right to come on my land and destroy my property.”

Margaux Kessler, who recorded the video, said the man described himself as a “proud American” while putting up the swastika flag.

“It’s a true disgrace to our community,” Kessler told WTVD. “I can only imagine how the Jewish community feels. I’m sure they feel extremely threatened, and it is a disgrace to the thousands upon thousands of U.S. soldiers that died and fought in World War II against the Nazi regime.”

The Wake County Sheriff’s Office responded to complaints about the Nazi flag. Spokesperson Eric Curry said that “while disturbing,” no law was being broken as the flag was being flown on private property and protected by the First Amendment.

The flag was first painted over in black before it was taken down by residents on Thursday.

In a statement, Raleigh Mayor Mary-Ann Baldwin said she was “deeply disturbed” by the Nazi symbol being displayed.

“Free speech is one of the hallmarks of our democracy. But speaking and communicating with respect and open hearts makes our City and our nation stronger,” Baldwin said. “We are better than hateful speech like this and I am relieved to see that the flag was removed.”

Rabbi Eric Solomon, of Beth Meyer Synagogue in Raleigh, also said he was “outraged” by the flag.

“This is an attack not only on the Jewish community. For us it goes very, very deep, as many understand, but it really is an attack on America and it’s an attack on the fabric of what our country is about so we are deeply, deeply troubled this happened in our own neighborhood.”

In a joint statement, a group of Jewish leaders added: “Yesterday a Nazi flag with a Swastika was seen hanging under a Biden campaign sign on private property in Wake County.

“The Jewish Community stands with all Americans against the display of this symbol of hate,” the Jewish Federation of Raleigh-Cary and the Raleigh-Cary Jewish Community Relations Council said.

“Such a gratuitous and offensive display of the Nazi Flag has no place in Wake County or anywhere else. We recognize the Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of speech, including bigoted, racist and anti-Semitic expressions like these.

“However, we stand united in condemning this repugnant and highly inappropriate display.

“Wake County residents are people who appreciate each other and each other’s differences. We ask the homeowners to recognize the deep pain caused by the display of the Nazi flag.

“Further, we encourage all citizens of good will across Wake County to stand against the display of the Nazi flag, other symbols of hate which includes the Confederate flag, as well as other acts of hate in our community.”