The world of The Witcher 3 is filled with a plethora of horrifying monsters. From Drowners to Leshens, players will take on a variety of monsters during their playthroughs. They will venture through many locations to seek out these monsters and destroy them as Witchers.RELATED: The Witcher 3: Best Designed Monsters In The Game (& The Worst)In some cases, these locations may be a bit spookier than usual. And while having a trusty silver sword by their side helps, The Witcher 3 players will feel a little chill run down their spine when exploring certain areas. In these areas, having a steel will is also best along with the Witcher’s tools, weapons, and potions.

10 Lindenvale Graveyard

Graveyards and cemeteries tend to be a little creepy on their own but thanks to a small Easter egg in the game, the Lindenvale Graveyard goes the extra mile. Players will find the graveyard early on in The Witcher 3 as they explore Velen and its surroundings. Once they arrive, players will find a structure at the location that they can enter inside. They will also spot a few statues scattered about the graveyard that will be facing different directions.

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As players enter the structure and then leave, they will spot that the statues will have faced towards them and will be looking at Geralt. This is a reference to the Weeping Angels from the show Doctor Who, which also behave in a similar fashion.

9 Novigrad Haunted House

Players will encounter the Haunted House sometime after meeting Triss for the first time as they reach the Novigrad section of the campaign. She will send Geralt to Corrine Tilly, an Oneiromancer, who would be working at a house that is supposedly haunted. As players explore the house, they will hear childish giggling, footsteps, and objects moving around in the house signifying that something indeed is wrong.

Even though Geralt deals with ghosts and wraiths frequently throughout the game, the house will still have a chilling effect. Players will, later on, discover the source of the haunting to be a Godling named Sarah. They can either let her stay in exchange for waking Corrine up or evict her.

8 White Orchard Abandoned Village

The Abandoned Village in White Orchard is encountered as soon as players pick up their first contract of the game titled “Devil By The Well”. Geralt learns that a noonwraith has been haunting the area which he must take care of. As he arrives at the location and explores, he discovers that the village was slaughtered by the local lord in revenge.

The people of the settlement relocated to escape the tyranny of the lord but ended up losing their lives in the process. The noonwraith now haunts the place preventing others from settling in.

7 Trastamara Estate Ruins

Players can find the Trastamara Estate Ruins in Toussaint if they have the Blood and Wine DLC installed. For being located in a land that is bright and colorful, the estate is uncharacteristically dour. Players will find a curse etched into the front wall of the house and a lot of spoons inside the building. The building will be occupied by a Spotted Wight, the victim of the curse, who used to be the daughter of a wealthy lord who refused a beggar some food at a feast against local customs.

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She was then cursed and transformed into a spotted wight. Players will learn that the wight is attempting to lift the curse which they can assist in. As players are investigating the curse and the wight, Gaunter O’Dimm’s theme will play in the background indicating that the beggar may have been the Man of Glass in disguise.

6 Forest Near Reardon Manor

Players will encounter Reardon Manor during a side quest where an old woman will ask Geralt to clear her family home of wraiths. As Geralt arrives, the manor grounds appear to be normal, save being haunted by wraiths. This is also the location players will run into Letho of Gulet, provided they spared him during the end of The Witcher 2. If Letho is alive, the Wraiths would be gone and players will find the area full of traps instead.

However, if players venture southwest of the manor grounds into the forest, they will see a sharp shift in the surrounding area. The forest rapidly becomes dark and twisted and players will eventually run into a Leshen. The minimum level requirement to face off a Leshen is 20 so players will be better off running away than fighting this monster. Between its teleportation, long-range attacks, and unconventional attack patterns, the Leshens are one of the most unique enemies in The Witcher 3 and seeing one this early will certainly spook some players.

5 Whoreson Junior’s Mansion

During the Novigrad section of the story, players will get to know about Whoreson Junior, one of the crime bosses of the city. They will learn he is a depraved individual who has done some vile things but they never find out what exactly. Eventually, they will find his hideout, a mansion in Oxenfurt, where they must break in and interrogate the man in question.

When they do so, they will find a lot of bodies belonging to prostitutes that Whoreson Junior tortured and then killed throughout the main mansion building. Even as Geralt walks into the room, Whoreson Junior would have just tortured and killed someone. This is one of the few creepy locations in-game where magic is not involved and neither are monsters.

4 Uldaryk’s Old Family Home

Players will come across Uldaryk’s Old Family Home during the quest “Possession” in the Skellige section of the game. At first, it seems like the house is haunted by a standard ghost but it is quickly apparent that it is not the case. Jarl Uladryk claims the gods are telling him to torture and hurt himself, even going as far as to poke his eye out. But Geralt will soon learn that an ancient and nasty demon called a Hym, who feeds off human guilt, is responsible.

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Luckily, players will have a few ways of dealing with the creature during the events of the quest including straight up killing the Hym or banishing it.

3 Crookback Bog

Crookback Bog is found in southern Velen, early on in the game. It is the location where Geralt finds Bloody Baron’s wife looking after a group of orphans. The swamp is surrounded by drowners, water hags, and harpies and gives off a general spooky feeling.

Players will also meet the Crones who are extremely revolting in appearance and may be disturbing to some. It is not clear what they are exactly, other than the fact that they are very old and practice an ancient form of magic. Players will quickly learn that the Crones are very evil creatures.

2 Crow’s Perch

Players will find Crow’s Perch shortly after the beginning of the game. The area is ruled over by the warlord known as The Bloody Baron and it is not until after players start doing quests for the man do they learn the reason for the name. The Baron is known to be an alcoholic and possessor of a fiery temper. He is responsible for getting drunk and attacking his pregnant wife which resulted in a miscarriage.

Players will learn that both the Baron and his wife were at fault during the past which eventually resulted in the horrible incidents the family faced. Moreover, the entire area will be terrorized by the Baron’s men who often harass the local population.

1 The Von Everec Estate

The Von Everec Estate is encountered during the Hearts of Stone DLC main questline. As players arrive at the location, they will be met by the sight of an estate in ruin. They will also find a mysterious individual known as the Caretaker who has no eyes or a nose and will attack players.

Players will then be pulled into a mysterious painted world where they will have to fight off a plethora of creepy monsters including some that resemble Olgeird von Everec. They will also learn Olgeird’s backstory, his deal with Gaunter, the reason behind it, and the tragic aftermath.

The Witcher 3 is available on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. The game is scheduled to be released in 2022 for the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.

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