On Friday, the Court released its opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which ended a woman’s constitutionally protected right to an abortion at the federal level, and leaves it up to the states to implement their own abortion policies. Some states are immediately moving to impose “trigger laws” to ban the procedure, while some experts estimate that without Roe v. Wade, abortion is likely to become illegal in about half of the country.

The poll conducted by CBS News/YouGov, surveyed 1,591 people on Friday and Saturday after the Court released its opinion that overturned the 1973 landmark decision.

Fifty-nine percent of those surveyed said they disapproved of the decision to overturn the ruling, while 41 percent said they approved.

Meanwhile, 67 percent of women and 51 percent of men said they disapproved of overturning Roe v. Wade. On the other hand, 49 percent of men approved of the Court’s actions, while only 33 percent of women did.

The survey’s breakdown fell largely along party lines, with 83 percent of Democrats saying they disapproved of the Supreme Court’s actions, while 78 percent of Republicans said they approved.

The poll also asked respondents whether or not they believe abortion should be legal in their state. Sixty-four percent said they believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 36 percent said it should be illegal in all or most cases.

While 31 percent of those surveyed said they believed the decision was a “step forward” for America, 52 percent said it represented a “step backward.” Only 17 percent said it represented neither.

A poll conducted by Yahoo News and YouGov in May—more than a month before the Supreme Court’s ultimate decision was finalized—found that only 31 percent of Americans supported overturning Roe v. Wade.

In the wake of the Court’s actions on Friday, conservatives celebrated the decision, while Democrats blasted it.

On Friday, after the news about the overturn was announced, President Joe Biden said it was “a very solemn moment for the United States.”

“The Supreme Court expressly took away a Constitutional right from the American people that it had already recognized. They simply took it away. That’s never been done to a right that is so important to so many Americans,” the president said.

CBS News said that the margin of error for its poll was 3 percent.