The documentation from the Mueller probe, which includes grand jury testimony, was originally requested by House Democrats in 2019 in preparation for impeachment proceedings against Trump. In March, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit agreed with the House Judiciary Committee and called for the release of the documents. Both the White House and the Department of Justice asked the Supreme Court to block access to the documentation.

“If the material reveals new evidence supporting the conclusion that President Trump committed impeachable offenses, the [House Judiciary] Committee will proceed accordingly—including, if necessary, by considering whether to recommend new articles of impeachment,” wrote House General Counsel Douglas Letter in a court filing Monday.

In a brief to the Supreme Court, Solicitor General Noel Francisco alleged that Congress had no need to see the documents since Trump had already been impeached and acquitted. Francisco also noted that no indication had been provided by the House Judiciary Committee or the House of Representatives that another impeachment was in the offing.

Newsweek reached out to the House Judiciary Committee for comment. This story will be updated with any response.

Mueller’s probe investigated whether or not Russia had interfered with the presidential election of 2016. President Trump’s involvement in the alleged meddling was also looked into, as were the actions of some members of Trump’s election team.

People within Trump’s realm of influence who were interviewed as part of the probe may have hampered Mueller’s investigation. "I think there are probably a spectrum of witnesses in terms of those who are not telling the full truth and those that are outright liars," Mueller told Congress in July 2019.

One of those witnesses was Trump ally Roger Stone, who was convicted in November 2019 of witness tampering, obstruction of justice and making false statements to the House Intelligence Committee. Stone was accused of collaborating with WikiLeaks to publish emails stolen from the computer of Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager Roger Podesta.

Prosecutors in the Stone case suggested a sentence of up to nine years. After the Department of Justice indicated it would ask for that sentence to be reduced, the prosecutors recused themselves from the case.

Stone attempted to obtain a retrial after the foreperson in his jury was shown to have made anti-Republican posts on her social media accounts. His request was denied by a federal judge in April.

Stone said throughout the proceedings that he was not guilty of the crimes he was accused of. In April, Stone told Fox News host Tucker Carlson that he was prosecuted because he “refused to bear false witness against the president.”