While Clark Kent has plenty of practice keeping his identity as Superman a secret, his sons don’t. Keeping secrets becomes harder for Jordan and Jonathan Kent as Jordan’s Kryptonian abilities manifest. They’ve especially found it difficult to lie to their one good friend in Smallville: Sarah Cushing. Sarah might be the show’s answer to a young Lana Lang or Lois Lane herself, which means she could be the first person outside of the family to find out the truth about Jordan’s powers.

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Lois and Clark have plenty of practice lying to protect Clark. Clark never wants to involve his family in dangerous situations. With Jordan having powers, Clark’s refrain in the first season of the show is “responsibility.” While he might not expect Jordan to become a superhero, he does expect him to protect the secret and refrain from using the abilities for selfish reasons.

Of course, if Jordan exhibits the same powers as Superman in public, it’s not a big leap to associate Jordan with the hero. That would lead to a lot of questions. Lying to protect Jordan from villains or government officials coming after him also protects Clark.

What this means is that when Jordan’s powers are out of control, he doesn’t go to school. If he can’t control heat vision or super hearing, he stays home. That leaves Jonathan to cover for him with their classmates. The most often repeated excuse is that he isn’t feeling well, which isn’t far from the truth, but by the seventh episode of the series, Sarah Cushing isn’t buying it. She’s spent enough time around both Kent teens to recognize when they’re lying to her, which means it might not be long before her questions start getting more pointed.

Of the residents in Smallville, Sarah is the one person to have significant interactions with super powered people. She is present in the barn when Jordan saves Jonathan from falling pipes and at the bonfire where Jordan’s heat vision first manifests. While she didn’t see his abilities in action, Jordan also isn’t the only one in her life with power.

Her friend Tag ends up with a version of super speed following an explosion at the bonfire. He’s either a metahuman, or a human affected by X-kryptonite - or a combination of the two. Either way, he blames Jordan for what happens to him after seeing a video online that looks like the explosion comes from Jordan. Tag not only shows Sarah the video, but he kidnaps her to do it. Sarah gets to see his abilities in action and hear his suspicions about Jordan before Tag is taken back into government custody.

Sarah also gets to see Superman up close and personal as a result. Clark goes after Tag and Sarah. He even saves Tag from soldiers who are prepared to use kryptonite laced bullets against them both. It’s after this ordeal that Sarah starts questioning Jonathan about Jordan’s absence from school. As the only person on Superman & Lois outside of the Kent family to have a front row seat to so many super powers, it seems like it’s only a matter of time before Sarah starts putting things together. It seems especially likely since she’s so close with Jordan. She’s the first person he and Jonathan get along with in Smallville and the one person they both open up to.

Just as heroes try to keep their abilities a secret in their origin story, they always ultimately fail. That’s especially true in the Arrowverse. Everyone ends up with their own team to help them. The only one who doesn’t have one is Superman, funnily enough. But Clark Kent has Lois and her father on his side. A journalist and a military official still count as backup for him in hairy situations.

In Arrow, Oliver Queen has his own “body guard” let in on his secret, and later his love interest. The Flash sees Barry Allen get help from scientists who become his friends. In Supergirl, Kara Danvers has her sister and their friends. Black Lightning has his daughters. Even Batwoman has backup in the form of her friends. It’s only a matter of time before Jordan lets someone in on his secret since his whole family already knows.

Sarah is the logical choice. She’s not the kind of person who is going to encourage him to use his newfound abilities to pull pranks, or get him in trouble. Sarah also respects the Kents enough that she wouldn’t tell a secret that wasn’t hers to share. As she and Jordan grow closer, it’s likely she’ll be his confidante. It might not happen right away, but the series earned a season two renewal after the airing of its first episode. Sarah adjusting to the secret would certainly make for a good season two storyline.

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