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Engaged since January

The conjurer’s landing of the super-heiss German model may have been his greatest feat, but it’s not an illusion-there’s no sawing these two in half at the moment.

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Tongue wrestling in public, rumored to be engaged

Young, hormone-crazed slack-tor/model duo hotter than burning magnesium, but can a flameout be far? Johnny’s obsolete WINONA FOREVER tattoo says it all.

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Married two years

Looks-champs peddle tales of bliss, but tabs aren’t buying. Talk finally prompted the pair to drop $30 thou on an ad in the London Times declaring themselves “heterosexual and monogamous.” Only the Dalai Lama knows for sure.

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Married briefly in 1976, married again in 1989

Melanie dipped and withdrew divorce papers like an ATM card in March after Don fell off the wagon and an Aspen T-shirt vendor told the tabs he’d hit on her. Mel’s moved out, but he’s getting help. They’d just tie the knot again anyway.

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Married 10 months

Lovett or leave it? The latter, say the tabs, who’ve had this odd couple in distress from the start. Supersnug dance-floor photos of Roberts with Gen X studmuffin Ethan Hawke and not-entirely-convincing denials haven’t helped.

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Married two years, divorce filed last week

The former L.A. Laker cheerleader officially shed Estevez like a pair of sweaty Reeboks last week, and both were quickly linked to their respective exes actor John Stamos and model Marla Hanson. Gossip mill says she’s got big appetite for food, none for kids. Will he repo the ring?

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Married 10 weeks, divorce filed last week

Never one to postpone until tomorrow a problem that can be suffered today, Drew wed the L.A. barkeep after a five-week courtship and a three-hour engagement. At this pace she’s got time for two more divorces this year if she hurries.