At the moment, players are likely already familiar with Clash of Clans and Clash Royale, but now they have more on the way. The first of these three new games is Clash Quest, a turn-based, tactical, adventure strategy game. In this game, players must destroy the enemies’ defenses before they run out of troops, using the unique, grid-based combat to do so.

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Next comes Clash Mini, a board game type of experience with miniatures as the primary combatants. Players place their minis simultaneously and then combat is automatic. This game is being developed by a brand new studio called Supercell Shanghai. It focuses entirely on the strategy aspects, meaning it should be great for casual players that can’t keep up with real time gameplay as well.

Finally, Clash Heroes is also being developed by Supercell Shanghai, but provides a completely different experience altogether. This stepdown action-adventure game features realtime combat where players will take control of an iconic Clash character to tackle quests, take down enemies, and complete objectives. It will also be playable online with friends, and looks rather interesting. For more details about all three games, see the reveal video above.

Clash of Clans games Clash Quest, Clash Mini, and Clash Heroes are in development now for Mobile.

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