In the fallout of the Konami/Kojima split, the super popular (and terrifying) Silent Hills PT demo was removed from the PS4 store and is no longer available for download. Original rumors suggested that the game was being deleted from PS4 that already owned it, but Konami has said that isn’t true. Gamers who missed the original download have been out of luck so far, but thanks to a very talented fan, the demo may be coming back to life in a less official capacity.

Farhan Qureshi, an up-and-coming game developer from Calgary spent just over 100 hours (that’s not a lot of time at all) recreating the famous hallway scene of the iconic PT demo. The tribute began as part of a project for a 3D modeling workshop he is scheduled to teach this fall, but quickly snowballed into a much bigger project. He wanted to see how close he could come to recreating an identical version of the teaser and it looks like he came far closer than he imagined possible.

Qureshi’s first step in the process was taking an insane amount of screenshots using the PS4 share button. He has an entire Twitter account full of the reference photos. Once he had a comprehensive visual guide, the next step was to start piecing the hallway together using textures found online and add filters to give the environment the unique PT look and feel.

The finished product looks like it is close to indistinguishable from the original and features almost all of the key events from the original. Qureshi would love it if everyone could download and play his fan tribute, but the popularity of his creation has crashed the download link that he setup. He plans to repost the download (for Mac, PC, and Linux) once the server recovers from the sudden burst of traffic.

Although we would love to see Silent Hills actually get a full release, it has been a lot of fun watching the rest off the video game community react to and be inspired by the short demo. Hopefully, this is just the beginning of a new era for the survival horror genre.

What do you think of Qureshi’s detailed remake? Will you be downloading it once it is available again? Let us know if the comments.

Silent Hills has been cancelled and is no longer scheduled for release.

Source: The Outline