Even though the game has all of those previously mentioned features, there’s still one more that fans have been hoping would be included in this pocket brawler — online play. Capcom has apparently heard the prayers of fans everywhere and will be obliging each and every one of them with online play in SSFIV 3D Edition. This news comes from G4, who allegedly spoke to Capcom Producer Yoshinori Ono at Nintendo World this past weekend.

A new trailer detailing some of the modes can be seen below, but it’s in Japanese so… have fun.


Ono confirmed that the 3DS version of Street Fighter will feature not one, but two different options available for online play. The first confirmed is a Worldwide play option that will allow players to duke it out from other ends of the world. The second online option revealed is called a Channel Live, and this mode is certainly interesting, if not a little different. Channel Live will allow other players to spectate live matches being played online, which means that while you’re getting your butt handed to you by some guy in Korea, there can be a crowd watching you fail.

Both of these online modes are pretty interesting, and while I’m not going to waste my precious battery life watching Channel Live, players will probably be able to learn some interesting techniques by watching others online. Online play isn’t unheard of on handhelds, so this confirmation isn’t shocking in the least bit, but it’s still nice to see Capcom going all out and adding online play. Hopefully there will be a way to connect with friends online instead of just having the option to connect with randoms, but at the moment it’s looking very doubtful.

Are you excited to play Super Street Fighter IV in 3D and online? Will you be picking up Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition when the 3DS launches?

Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition doesn’t have an official North American release date, but it is part of the Japanese 3DS launch line-up, so it will likely launch here sometime in March alongside the 3DS.

Source: G4